Journey of the Mirrors

A Cross-Country Journey of Mirror Making

On this interactive map, follow Webb's mirrors as they go from raw material to liftoff making a cross country journey, visiting some states more than once, before travelling to South America for lift-off.

ON LARGE DEVICES (>800px) : you will see an interactive map, information slides with embedded graphics and videos that tell the story. Swipe/click the slide arrows or click map locations to move through the story.

ON SMALLER DEVICES (<800px) : you will see an interactive map with numbers that track each step. Click the numbers for a popup that explains what occured at that location. NOTE: on very small devices (mobile phones in portrait mode) you may need to pan/scroll to see the relevant parts of the map.

DOWNLOAD: you can also download a four page flyer on the journey of the mirrors 4.5 MB .pdf

NOTE: Image scrolls horizontally on small screens.